Case Study 案例分析

International Student Tenancy Disputes

In recent weeks we have received high numbers of tenancy disputes enquiries, particularly from Chinese students studying in the UK.

Many of these disputes have arisen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, which has altered the plans for many universities and students, causing many unforeseen problems.

The cases we are dealing with range from individuals to large groups. Our largest group currently has about 70 students and a claim for approximately £1000,000.

Some of our clients are still in the UK, but many have returned to the PRC.

We are very pleased with the outcomes which we have been able to achieve for our clients. In many circumstances, we are able to quickly deal with these matters with very good results.

We have assigned Miss Charis Wong, solicitor, to lead this firm’s efforts in assisting our clients in this area. She speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese and is now very experienced in handling these claims efficiently and professionally.

Charis Wong is a qualified solicitor specialising in civil and family dispute resolution. As well as English, she speaks fluent Mandarin and Cantonese. You can contact her by email at, telephone at +44 115 7323375 or Wechat at ‘Clsolicitors-UK’.