
Dispute Resolution

Our team of specialised lawyers brings a broad range of experience to their legal work, giving them valuable insights into the complex disputes that can arise in civil, family, property and commercial matters.

Our Dispute Resolution Team at Clarendon Law is available to help you navigate conflicts and find practical solutions to your problems. We are committed to finding cost-effective outcomes that work well for you. We aim to guide you to a satisfactory resolution of your dispute. When possible, we seek to avoid the stress of delays and the risk of high costs which are so often characteristic of litigation through the courts. Our team has achieved many successful outcomes for clients by using Alternative Dispute Resolution processes such as negotiation and mediation.

Sometimes, litigation is unavoidable. Our Dispute Resolution specialists have assisted many clients through all stages of the civil litigation process from issuing proceedings all the way to trial. Successfully litigated cases have involved:

  • Assets frozen under Proceeds of Crime laws
  • Commercial disputes
  • Contentious probate
  • Property disputes
  • Landlord and tenant (both commercial and residential)
  • Professional negligence
  • Partnership disputes
  • Breach of trust
  • Commercial fraud
  • Cohabitation and co-ownership disputes

Cases we have litigated have often been unusual, even unique. We frequently instruct and work with experts and specialist advisers in many fields.

Please get in touch with us so that we can help.

Family Law

Much of our firm’s practice and expertise is focused in Family Law, a social and legal ‘landscape’ which can change rapidly. Family matters involve a wide range of issues often involving highly sensitive and emotionally stressful situations.

We understand how difficult it can be to go through the legal process in family matters. Our lawyers appreciate the sensitivity of the situations. After all, we have all experienced family life and seen what can go well and what can go wrong at first hand. We therefore adopt a professional approach to what the law requires, combined with understanding and empathy for what our clients are experiencing.

The Clarendon Law Family Team prides itself in providing specialised advice and support, including mediation and litigation services tailored to client needs.

Our family law services cover:

  • Marriage, civil partnerships & agreements, including for same-sex couples
  • Prenuptial & Post-nuptial agreements
  • Adoption
  • Separation & divorce, matrimonial property and division of assets
  • Child custody and child protection

The above list is not exhaustive. Whatever family-related advice you need, get in touch with us.

Private Client

We have experience in private client work which most commonly involves future planning for inheritance and succession, probate and trusts. Our clients include both UK residents as well as many clients from overseas. In addition to seeking our advice on their UK property and assets, many client matters involve an international dimension.

Our clients have diverse needs and we tailor our legal services designed to address their specific challenges and requirements. Our team is committed to delivering quality outcomes for all our clients.